Stogdell Land Auction671 E. 2675 North Rd., Mechanicsburg, IL
(Located off County Hwy 2)
East of Buckhart & West of Roby
36.37 Acres
Recreational Land
ENDS: Mon. July 8 @ 6:00 P.M.
OPEN HOUSE: Sun. June 30, 1:00-2:30 P.M.
*Offered in (4) Tracts
(Auction will be a 1 close all close, no tract will close in front of another tract, bidder will have chance to buy all (4) tracts, by staying on top of each tract)
TRACT 1: 26.510 Acres
Home/Cabin(816 sq ft), Machine Shed, Pond, Timber/Brush
783’ Road Frontage
PIN’S: 10-03-22-200-002-00 &
TRACT 2: 7.10 Acres
(Former Railroad)
•Located along county highway 2 w/ access.
•Highway frontage all the way to Sangamon County line.
PIN: 10-03-15-300-007-00
TRACT 3: 2.00 Acres
(Former Railroad)
•Access off Mechanicsburg Rd.
TRACT 4: .760 Acres
(Former Railroad)
•Access of Mechanicsburg Rd. Bird Ave. in Roby.
PIN: 10-03-23-101-007-00
10% down at close of auction. Balance due and possession at closing on or before Thurs. Aug. 8, 2024. Buyer(s) will be required to enter into a written contract at the close of the auction. Prairie Land Title Co. Springfield, IL will handle all title work and closing. Real Estate sold “AS IS”, no warranties either expressed or implied. Real Estate taxes will be pro-rated up to time of closing. Have all financial arrangements and inspections made prior to bidding. Estate reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. A Five (5) percent buyers premium will apply to the high bid to establish a contract bid.
Be sure to check this out!
Lots of potential!
Good Location!
Rochester School!
Land is being sold by the acre x’s the amount of taxable acres for that particular tract.
This auction is a 1 close all close, that means no tract will close in front of another tract, they will all close at same time. -CORY
Martha Stogdell &
Gail Humphrey , Owners